My Wordsmith Vantage Point

To those who are still asleep or in denial in America, history is repeating itself! There are many, many people agitated by Kaepernick and other athletes for not standing during the national anthem/saluting the flag at football games. I’ve read comments saying “He needs to shut up and play football”, “This isn’t the proper forum for that”, “Patriotism before humanity”, “If you hate America so much…leave”, etc. Let’s get one thing straight: the silent protest during the anthem has nothing to do with the US military or its veterans. It has everything to do with America’s treatment of minorities, specifically people of color. In order to have this conversation, you have to leave that at the door.


Where and when is the proper forum for protesting? Should it be where people can ignore it by changing the channel or walking away? Should it be done only when everyone approves and no one is offended? Protest is most effective when it’s peaceful and presented on a broad spectrum. It’s meant to ruffle feathers and make one uncomfortable as it exposes social issues/injustices and question our way of thinking. There are some that believe sports shouldn’t be weaved with such issues. But guess what: this is America. In this country, we all have the freedom to express ourselves. I understand those who are unsettled, or angered, by it don’t want to be reminded or challenged. And that’s a problem. You need to be reminded and challenged because that’s the only way to bring about change and stop HISTORY FROM REPEATING.

JFK tried to talk MLK out of the March on Washington because it wasn’t the right time. Ali was convicted of draft evasion, sentenced to 5 years in prison, fined $10,000 and banned from boxing for 3 years because people believed him unpatriotic. Many thought it improper for Rosa Parks to refuse to surrender her seat to a white passenger. Before the SCOTUS’s Brown v. Board of Education decision, desegregation was unthinkable. Many people felt it wasn’t the proper forum for Blacks to have lunch counter sit-in protests through the 60s. And now we’ve come full circle to the #BlackLivesMatter movement and athletes’ silent protests. People are still responding with the same rhetoric. #WakeUpAmerica

One might argue that Kaepernick is no MLK, Ali or Parks. However, they weren’t revered by the nation when they stood up for what they believed in, much like Kaepernick now. His protest is for people like me, much like MLK protesting for my grandparents, parents and future generations.

For those calling any athletes unpatriotic and disrespectful of the flag, that’s the furthest from the truth. You see, America has a history of ignoring the real issues and like to place blame or distract from the point, and objects when Black voices demand equality. Being patriotic goes beyond standing for an anthem, saluting a flag or voting for a president every 4 years. Side note: You know how Hitler began? Mandating patriotism. #FoodforThought

Don’t you see the problem? If you don’t then you’re doomed to keep the vicious cycle going. Yes, we all matter but it’s a fact that I live in a country that discriminates and displays bigotry against me routinely. And this is due to the melanin in my skin being darker than my white counterparts.

Pause and examine why you’re angry, or fearful, about the protests and the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Understand that people of color aren’t trying to start a war. We want awareness and change. Identify with us. Walk with us. Recognize our struggle and value. Make the change with us.

Remember: the man who doesn’t learn from the mistakes of his ancestors is bound to carry their scars.




To all my newly added followers,

I’m humbly grateful that you’re following my blog. It’s my intent to follow you back once I get to a computer.
Hope you have a fabulous week!


Follow Anita on Twitter and Bloglovin’: @Emranija & Anita Young


Good Day Readers!

Not only is it Turkey Day, it’s the 2nd year of my blog. I never imagined getting this far. My hope going into 2015 is to produce 2-3 posts a week and double my readers. So, if you have any topics you think are interesting please let me know.

I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving!



Follow Anita on Twitter and Bloglovin’: @Emranija & Anita Young


Dear reader,

If you’re anything like me when it comes to the Food Network then Alton Brown needs no introduction. Apparently, he found his way to Richmond, VA. And I’m sorry missed it. My inner foodie had scolded me…endlessly.

Here’s a recap for any of you that missed his visit too: Alton Brown Eats RVA



Follow Anita on Twitter and Bloglovin’: @Emranija & Anita Young

Morning my faithful readers,

I never knew the positive power of the phrase “I love how you make me feel…” until I ran across two blogs penned by James Michael Sama: 15 Things Men Need To Learn About Women and Men Need Love Too: 13 Things He Wants To Hear. Often, we may focus on the negative statements made by our partners. But shouldn’t we refocus and let positivity light the way?
There is definitely some eye opening advice in here. Be sure to check his latest posts out.


Follow Anita on Twitter and Bloglovin’: @Emranija & Anita Young

Listen closely. People are constantly showing you who they REALLY are.

James Michael Sama

The title of this article is a quote by Maya Angelou. A quote that most of us probably think back on situations in our past and say “I should have listened to Maya.”

It is so difficult to find someone in today’s society that I think many of us get a little wide-eyed when somebody shows interest in us. Wow, this person makes me laugh! Wow, this person compliments me! Wow, this person is this or that, or maybe both this and that.


Naturally, our attention may be grabbed and we could start spending time with this person. Maybe a date or two goes by and we are ignoring that thing they do with their mouth that is a little bit annoying, because whatever.

Then we are sort of brushing aside the fact that they have kind of a shady past with relationships, but clearly they are interested in you…

View original post 669 more words

I’ve never been scared of driving in an unknown metropolis. But I can tell you the countless people, that I know, that are scared to drive in them. Washington DC can be a very hard city to navigate, especially with everything that goes on between the hours of 6 AM and midnight.
Check out this American University radio piece about how to navigate the streets of DC. Hopefully, this can ease a few drivers’ fears of roaming the nation’s capital.

How To Navigate D.C.’s Street System

As I sit in my boyfriend’s den, waiting to begin my vacation, I reflect on the importance of time away. For the first time in years, I’m taking a vacation and this will be the first family trip I’ve planned for my son and me.

With being a full-time mom, work being hectic, spending time with the beau, and fitting writing in between it all, it’s hard to focus on decompressing. The last few weeks have been stressful and vacay couldn’t come at a better time.

So, remember dear readers, always take time out for your peace of mind. Whether it’s a vacation or a stay-cation, it’s worth every second!




Follow Anita on Twitter and Bloglovin’: @Emranija & Anita Young

Here’s how to tell the difference between a boy and a man where a relationship is concerned.

Man vs Boy

Hello readers,

Today’s blog airs more on the serious than light-hearted side. During my senior year in college, I had to volunteer for a local non-profit organization as part of a class requirement. Daily Planet, a Richmond-based outreach resource for the homeless, was my assigned organization that forever changed my viewpoint on being homeless. That learning experience helped to dispel many misnomers I had about the issue.

In today’s society, there is a perception about homeless people that is sustained by a collection of myths and assumptions, a majority of which are wrong. These misconceptions seriously hinder the attempts to help those in need. However, after the mortgage crisis in 2008, it seems that many people’s views have changed because thousands of Americans were made homeless due to the crisis.

Here are the most common misconceptions about the homeless:

homeless family

  1. Are All Criminals or Drug Addicts

Most homeless people are arrested for status crimes. These are crimes that include loitering, sleeping in public, or trespassing. The National Coalition for Homelessness (NCH) 2009 report stated that 39% of homeless people depend upon alcohol and 26% “abuse other drugs.” While close to half of homeless adults in the United States struggle with addictions or have struggled with them in the past, many don’t have a substance abuse problem.

  1. Are All Mentally Ill

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 20 to 25% of the U.S. homeless population suffers from some form of severe mental illness while only 6% of Americans are severely mentally ill. [1] In a 2008 survey performed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, 25 cities were asked for the three largest causes of homelessness in their communities. Mental illness was the third largest cause of homelessness for single adults (mentioned by nearly half of the cities). For homeless families, mental illness was mentioned by 12% of cities as one of the top 3 causes of homelessness.

  1. Are All Too Lazy to Work

The movie The Pursuit of Happyness is a prime example that homeless people aren’t lazy. Although this biographical film highlighted the highs and lows of Chris Gardner’s struggle while employed, the stigma of laziness still seems to be stamped on homelessness. 44% of the homeless who have jobs can’t escape it and climbing out of homelessness is virtually impossible without a job. For those with limited skills, job opportunities that pay a living wage are very hard to come by. In addition, many have obstacles such as limited transportation and access to educational and training programs.[2]

  1. It’s Due to Poor Choices

There are two trends largely responsible for the rise in homelessness over the past 20-25 years: a growing shortage of affordable rental housing and a coinciding increase in poverty. [1] NHC found that home foreclosure, poverty, eroding work opportunities, decline in public assistance, domestic violence, mental disorders, and addiction disorders are the leading causes of homelessness. Many of these factors are not by choice which dispels the myth that one chooses to be homeless.


Figure 1 shows the population breakdown of the number of people in families with children making up 37%, a total of 236,181 people in 77,186 family households. Of the individuals, 17% is chronically homeless (107,148 people) and 46% is non-chronically homeless (292,688). [4]

FACTS about Homelessness*:

  • Homeless people commit less violent crimes than housed people.
  • Many women and children are living without homes.
  • Families constitute a large and growing percentage of the homeless population.
  • Homeless people do work, and a relatively small percentage of them receive government assistance.
  • According to the Urban Institute, about 28% of homeless people have more than a high school education.

*National Law Center On Homelessness and Poverty: Myths and Facts about Homelessness


Figure 2 shows the ethnicity affected by homelessness, National Coalition for the Homeless July 2009.

 For more information on homelessness and how you can fight against it and its stereotypes: National Coalition for the Homeless




Follow Anita on Twitter and Bloglovin’: @Emranija & Anita Young



1National Institute of Mental Health, 2009

2Long, Rio, & Rosen, 2007

3Statistics used from Homelessness Research Institute January 2012 report.

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