My Wordsmith Vantage Point

Archive for November, 2013

John Legend’s #1 Fan is Me!

John_LegendI’ve been John “Legend” Stephens’ biggest and most loyal fan since he stepped on the mainstream scene since 2004. In my eyes, there is no wrong he could do. I mean—c’mon! The man has a distinctive voice that crooned the timeless songs such as “All of Me”, “Everybody Knows”, and—one of my personal favorites—“Ordinary People”. His music always recounts about one of the following: love, forlorn, family or celebration. Often there is a sense of optimism in his beautifully gospel, soul, pop and classical blended tunes that resonate with me. And oh, let’s not forget his philanthropy efforts! Not only has he aided in raising money for Hurricane Katrina victims and been involved with HIV awareness, he’s been active with several organizations focused on education, supporting the U.S. military, and women’s issues.

Despite John’s recent nuptials to long-time love, Chrissy Teigen, I still have plenty of love for him. Besides, I value him for his emotive music and community work—coupled with his cool, intellectual demeanor, he’s even more admirable in my eyes. Who am I kidding?! The fact alone that Mr. Stephens graduated from an Ivy League university, is my modern-day Sam Cooke, and can pull off a three-piece suit is well enough to make me melt like butter on a wood stove. “;-)”

Currently, Legend’s at the end of his North American Made To Love tour and I’m particularly heartbroken that I couldn’t make the D.C. concert back in October. But one day, I’ll enjoy a live concert. Until then, I have online outlets such as the NPR Tiny Desk Concert.

Think of me fondly, John…


Grateful for Motherhood

Five years ago I was living in San Diego and eight months pregnant. Even though I was in full launch of the nesting mode, I couldn’t even imagine how love for my son would irrevocably change me. The miracle of life flipping in my belly was only the beginning of a new chapter called Motherhood.

My son has grown from a cheery newborn to an inquisitive toddler to a precocious Pre-K student. He’s taught me that nothing is more important than family. So, no matter what negativity I face during any given day, it all melts away when I see his beaming face. He’s never short on personality. Always tells me why he’s mad at me (and it makes sense 75% of the time). And, unexpectedly, surprises me every day.

Early in my pregnancy I had a scare about losing my child. And because of that, I feel extremely thankful and blessed because he could’ve been taken away from me in a blink. Motherhood has taught me to be patient, thoughtful, loving, and kind. Although I have more patience for kids than I do adults, I’ve learned to be a little more patient with myself because I do make mistakes and I must accept that I’ll never be perfect. I’ve always been a thoughtful person, but now it’s bumped up to about 95%. I dedicated the first year of my son’s life to photographing every moment possible and then created a 1st year book, which I gave to both of his grandmothers. Until birthing a child into this world, I didn’t even know what love really was (I know it sounds clichéd but it’s true!). The absolute love exchanged between he and I is mind-blowing and poignant. I’d give my last dime and breath of life for him; something I’ve never felt for anyone before. Lastly, my son has softened my heart and allowed me to know and enact kindness.

Every day, I find that the focus is about making this journey of life with him and discovering a peace/love/completion that can’t be bought. He gives me purpose and he’s a blessing that has altered my life for the better. And for that, I am truly and unapologetically grateful.


Little Actor & his Biggest Fan

Little Actor & his Biggest Fan

The Jade Report: #1 Continued…

20130411-081224.jpgGreetings Readers:

Skylar Jade here. I had the pleasure of attending the 2013 Va Comicon this weekend and I’ve got a surprise for you. There were a LOT of comics, plenty of fans/characters walking around, and enough vendors for any fanboy’s dream-come-true.

I had the pleasure of meeting renowned comic artist Louis Small Jr. Even scooped an interview! However, that’ll come later…along with an interview with Sam Ellis (character designer of FX series Archer). But to whet your appetite, I’ve included two signed posters of Mr. Small’s work.

I’ll be back soon with those interviews!

¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•’* Skylar Jade

Small captures the female form in this artwork

Small captures the female form in this artwork

A collage of Marvel characters drawn by Small.

A collage of Marvel characters drawn by Small.

Year 1: Blog Face Lift

Hello All:

Anita here. It’s official, I’ve had my writer’s blog for a year now. And what better way to celebrate than give it a face lift. LOL

Enjoy the new look!



Va Comicon Pre-Game


Gearing up for the VA Comicon in Richmond today.
Can’t wait to see many fan favorites & buy a comic or 2.

¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•’* Skylar Jade


Winter’s Beginning


Fall is upon us but it feels like winter. The snow and cold brings back so many memories, but it’s the anticipation of spring that really drives me through most of chilly weather. I’m arming myself with hot cocoa, a well-lit fireplace, and Netflix. How about you?

Here’s to the onset of the wintery days ahead!


The Jade Report: #1

20130411-081224.jpgHappy Wednesday!

I hope all is well with you this fine day. This is Skylar Jade dialing in with my first blog, aptly dubbed, The Jade Report. I know it’s been a while since I’ve made my last appearance (April ’13 intro) but I’ve been a busy gal with my intergalactic adventures.

Currently, I’m preparing for my visit to the Virginia Comicon in Richmond this Saturday, Nov 23. Earth is the only place where I can get my hands on any quality comic books and this Comicon is the perfect event to quench that love affair. Among the artists and guests, Rob Liefeld (creator of X-Force #1), Herb Trimpe (co-creator of Wolverine), James O’Barr (creator of The Crow), Deadpool, and–a personal new favorite–Sam Ellis (Lead Character Designer for the FX series Archer) will be in attendance. There’ll even be a full-size replica of the 1966 Batmobile. *All Hail Adam West!*

If all goes according to plan, I’ll post artist interviews from the comicon on my blog next week. Here’s to celestial luck being on my side!

Find more about the 2013 VA Comicon on Facebook or via their website VAcomicon. Come out and show your support–at least meet me!

Hope to see you there!

¸.• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•’* Skylar Jade

Follow me on Twitter: Emranija

The Long-Awaited Resurfacing

chrysanthemum-inflorescenceEvening Everyone!

I know it’s been quite a while since my last blog post but I’m back! I’ve got a special treat for you. A new poem titled Anticipation.

I’ve been toiling away in my mad writer’s space editing my first novel and its query letter to perfection. Now, I’m just mustering up the courage to find agents and submit.

Well, enjoy the new poem!


Tag Cloud

Black America Web

Your one stop for all things Black America! | Breaking national news, entertainment news, celebrity news, Black-owned businesses, and Black history facts.

On The Heath

where would-be writer works with words


My Wordsmith Vantage Point

Fushion story, and simple poetry

A fine site

Caustic Synergy

United and alone in the world

Plutonium™ Paint

Ultra Supreme Professional Grade Aerosol Paint

How to be a Heartbreaker

True Life Stories of a Playa Bitch


Space to Create

Big Girl Big Panties

There's this fat girl who parks her fat ass in every girl's big panties sooner or later. Let's find out how she changes ,and I imply both literally and figuratively when I say-the dimensions when she stomps her fat foot in our lives.

Nikki Skies

I am a lover of perseverance. I am folklore. I am consistency and contradiction.